The Involvement of Art and Craft Ideas in a Child’s Growth
The artist is born with a special talent or can you learn to be an artist?
It is a question that, surely, you have heard repeatedly or, even, you have asked yourself in the course of a conversation.
The answer can be summarized in two versions: those who believe that being an artist is to have an innate gift and those who defend that with good training you can reach the same end.
Throughout the journey in the art world, we come across artists who had more skill than talent and others who with a special gift for art have stalled due to their lack of perseverance that requires practicing any creative activity.
The first, based on perseverance and self-demand, manages to produce a work in which a good command of technique and artistic quality is appreciated.
At the other extreme are those who from an early age seem predestined to art and craft ideas. They create with astonishing ease, developing ideas with clarity and making their artistic approaches easily captivate audiences.
Importance of Art and Craft ideas in Children
Easy arts and crafts for kids teach them to learn in different ways and to approach problems and challenges in creative ways. The process of creating art helps students get in touch with a different side of themselves that they cannot access in other subjects such as math and science. It plays a bigger role than we think in the education of children. In addition to stimulating the learning of other subjects, such as reading or mathematics, painting, drawing or modeling are essential activities for the development of perception, fine motor skills or social interaction.
Artistic education, unfortunately relegated to the background by many families and schools in our country, is far from being a superfluous luxury in the education of children. Various investigations have shown that art plays an essential role, not only in children’s development, but also in their learning to read, write and calculate. There are many educational toys that involve the use of simple art and craft for children.
Spiritual necessity of art and craft ideas
Painting, drawing, making crafts, playing a musical instrument, modeling, singing etc are basic easy art and craft ideas for the biological, educational and emotional development of children. But they are also a spiritual necessity. Through them they learn to explore the environment that surrounds them, they become aware of themselves and others. Below we have grouped these into the following areas:
Personal development: artistic activities provide opportunities to express one’s creativity, to discover oneself; enhance self-esteem and self-concept. The child who creates it has the feeling of having achieved an achievement.
Social development: it is enhanced as the child learns to cooperate in an artistic work done in a group. Children are aware of their personal contribution to collective work and also acquire the feeling of belonging to a group.
Art and Craft ideas for kids
Physical development: the smallest muscles, hand-eye coordination, laterality and sense of rhythm are developed thanks to the various forms of artistic expression.
Language development: art is a form of expression that is not based on verbal ability, however, children’s language and vocabulary undergo enormous development as children talk about their work. In addition, easy art and craft ideas like drawing contributes to the development of writing in the little ones. Art and craft kits can really help children’s learn about this form of expression.
Cognitive development: the benefits of art are especially noticeable in areas such as symbolic representation, spatial relationship, numbers and quantities, order , series, classifications, etc.
Is the artist born or made?
One of the eternal debates in the art world regarding the artist is the question of whether the artist is born or needs to be trained in order to fully develop. Is it all about talent ? Or can anyone who studies hard enough become an artist?
Placing ourselves a bit in the history, it is in the seventeenth century when there is a reference to higher studies in art in specialized institutions or at the university. The renowned artist Charles Le Brun founded the Academy of Painting and Sculpture to regularize this form of teaching.
Previously, until the Renaissance, artists were trained in guilds, learning the trade directly in the workshops where they began at an early age until they were recognized as master craftsmen in their specialty.
Today one can enroll for art and craft classes, get educational toys that teaches them about nursery art and craft ideas, also later in future one can get a bachelor of Fine Arts degree and, as professional opportunities, choose from a wide range of specialties.
Creating art and craft helps build confidence in children and improves their personality. This is because there are no right or wrong answers in art and crafts. A child can flow with his imagination and create something unique and so the child is less likely to feel that they have failed or performed poorly. Creating a work of art and craft also leads the child to struggle to complete a project. Completing tasks from start to finish gives the child a feeling of having accomplished something. Arts and crafts also give the child the opportunity to see himself in a new light and to reach out to new interests.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s grab some colors, craft paper, scissors and help our kids create their imaginative universe.